no room for ego

...with taught skin, muscles and sinew straining, he moves like liquid, fluid and full of grace.

More than once I have felt my breath catch in my throat, lingering as though life itself would stir this creature into adrenaline pushed panic and see him leap to the door in one swift movement.

More than once I have precariously stuck out a trembling hand in a fleeting moment of insanity to stroke the strong curves and mounds, to feel the texture beneath my skin, only to pull it back suddenly, before it is known the hand was even offered.

Instead I remained crouched in the shadows, watching. Reduced to stalking the stalker, the hunter, the proud. I know he knows I am there. I am always there. That's the peculiarity of it all. I am always there.

And he knows it.

2006-01-15 3:25 p.m.