
Breathe in, breathe out.
Let it all go....

Illusions can be shattered, scattered like broken glass. Painstakingly built, from the ground up, this edifice, is just a face, a carefully constructed mask.

His face flickers in and out of my periphery, it is a face that is both stranger and known. I know I have never seen him before, and yet somehow I know him. I have always known him.

He is always there.

I see him, like a shadow. Glimpses. He stares, without blinking. His dark eyes, so dark they are almost black, gaze inside me, reading my mind, my heart, my soul.

Illusions are so very breakable. Like hearts.
Hearts can be patched, mended. They will bare their scars, they may never work right again. But they will endure. They will go on.

Illusions can't be re-made.
Once they shatter, they are scattered on the wind.
This is just a mask. An edifice. I made it pretty for you. I made it breathe for you.

Breathe in, breathe out.
Let it go.....

2009-11-29 10:35 a.m.